Friday, September 4, 2020

Visa CMPP para mdicos cubanos y otros profesionales

Visa CMPP para mdicos cubanos y otros profesionales La visa CMPP se concedã ­a a mã ©dicos y otro individual sanitario cubano que trabajaban en una misiã ³n internacional fuera de Cuba. Este time uno de los programas migratorios de Estados Unidos que aplicaba sã ³lo a cubanos. Con fecha del 12 de enero de 2017, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos decidiã ³ poner blade an este programa al igual que a la polã ­tica de pies secos, pies mojados. CMPP eranâ las siglas en inglã ©s del Programa para Profesionales Mã ©dicos Cubanos. Esta visa, queâ a pesar de su nombre no eraâ realmente una visa sino un parole, tenã ­a reglas estrictas que habã ­a que conocer para evitar quedar en situaciã ³n problemtica, es decir, como un desertor para los cubanos y sin visa para los estadounidenses.  ¿Quià ©nes se podã ­anâ beneficiar de CMPP? Se debã ­anâ reunir todas las caracterã ­sticas siguientes: Ser ciudadano o nacional cubanoEstar trabajando o estudiando como profesional mã ©dico en un tercer paã ­s en una misiã ³n bajo la direcciã ³n del gobierno de Cuba.No estar afectado por ninguna de las circunstancias que convierten an una persona en inelegible o inamisible para ingresar an Estados Unidos. Es decir, no aplicaba a los mã ©dicos que estaban por ejemplo, como turistas en Venezuela o en otro paã ­s.  ¿Quià ©nes eranâ profesionales sanitarios para estos efectos? Entre otros, los siguientes: Mà ©dicosParamà ©dicosEnfermerosEntrenadores deportivosFisioterapistasTà ©cnicos de laboratorio  ¿Y quã © pasaba con los familiares? Bajo el programa de visas CMPP losâ familiaresâ de los mã ©dicos que la solicitabanâ podrã ­an tambiã ©n beneficiarse y viajar legalmente an Estados Unidos con determinadas condiciones. Para empezar, eranâ familiares an estos efectos el cã ³nyuge del individual mã ©dico que aplicaba y tambiã ©n sus hijos solteros menores de 21 aã ±os. Nadie ms. Si estos familiares estabanâ fuera de Cuba acompaã ±ando al profesional, se podã ­a considerar aprobarles un parole al mismo tiempo. Sin ban, si estabanâ en Cuba, habã ­a que esperar a que el beneficiado de una visa CMPP ingresara a los Estados Unidos y una vez aquã ­ podrã ­a reclamarlos.â  ¿Quà © pasa con las personas que han solicitadoâ la visa CMPP pero todavã ­a no tienen respuesta? Ahora ya no se pueden solicitar ms, pero el individual que las solicitã ³ y est pendiente de su aprobaciã ³n podrn seguir con dicha tramitaciã ³n.  ¿Quà © pasa desde el punto de vista migratorio cuando se ingresa a USA? Una vez en Estados Unidos, al aã ±o y un dã ­a se podr solicitar la tarjetaâ de residente permanente. Mientras no se obtiene y se est en esa tramitaciã ³n, no salir de Estados Unidos sin un permiso que se conoce como advance parole.  Una vez que se obtiene la residencia, que tambiã ©n se conoce como green card yâ con el transcurrir de los aã ±os, se puede solicitar la ciudadanã ­a americanaâ mediante el trmite de la naturalizaciã ³n. El problema de la revlida del tã ­tulo de mã ©dico una vez que se llega an Estados Unidos Los mã ©dicos cubanos, al igual que tasks los que obtuvieron sus tã ­tulos universitarios en un paã ­s distinto a los Estados Unidos, deben examinarse para acreditar su titulaciã ³n y asã ­ estar capacitados legalmente para trabajar como mã ©dicos. Y en la actualidad esto est resultando ser un problema por dos razones principales. La primera es el alto costo de los exmenes de la ECFMG y de USMLE, que child organizaciones privadas encargadas de gestionar los test. En la actualidad, es necesario aprobar 4 exmenes. Y, en segundo lugar, el altã ­simo conocimiento de inglã ©s que se requiere. Y es que feed que contestar a ms de 400 preguntas en un tiempo limitado, lo que complica la obtenciã ³n de la revlida a profesionales cuyo lengua materna no es el inglã ©s. El efecto head de estas trabajas es que a pesar de que en la actualidad existe en los Estados Unidos un dã ©ficit de aproximadamente 65,000 mã ©dicos y de que los profesionales cubanos llegan al paã ­s con documentos que les permiten trabajar, muchos de ellos acaban desempeã ±ndose profesionalmente no como mã ©dicos, sino como auxiliares, despuã ©s de obtener las debidas licencias. Los mã ©dicos cubanos reciã ©n llegados pueden contactar con Solidaridad sin fronteras (SSF) en Hialeah, Florida, ya que es una organizaciã ³n conocida por brindarles ayuda para navegar y entender estos problemas burocrticos. Puntos bsicos de CMPP Desde que se creã ³ el programa de CMPP en 2006, segã ºn datos oficiales del Servicio de Inmigraciã ³n y Ciudadanã ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglã ©s), ms de 7,000 mã ©dicos y otros profesionales sanitarios cubanos han obtenido esta visa. De hecho, se han producido concerns desde 65 paã ­ses. Si bien la aproximadamente la mitad de las peticiones se han realizado en Caracas, ya que la misiã ³n sanitaria de cubana en Venezuela es de significant tamaã ±o. Otras embajadas activas en la emisiã ³n de estas visas child las de Colombia y las de Curacao, donde los solicitantes proceden de la vecina Venezuela. El nã ºmero de beneficiados ha aumentado recientemente, y asã ­ en el à ºltimo aã ±o financial un all out de 1,663 profesionales obtuvieron la CMPP. De interã ©s para los profesionales mã ©dicos Los profesionales sanitarios que se desempeã ±an fuera de los Estados Unidos se preguntan frecuentemente cunto ganan sus colegas aquã ­. Este es elâ sueldoâ medio de enfermeras en Estados Unidos. Incluso ganan ms los mã ©dicos, aunque roughage variaciones segã ºn especialidad. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a lawful.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

TyDaesha Fezzia Essays (1422 words) - , Term Papers

TyDaesha Fezzia Angela Jacobs English 1101 9/9/17 State champion With shaky knees, I hesitantly progressed up the gigantic white steps. With the rear of my hand, I brushed away two or three salty tears of easing. As I stayed at the most noteworthy purpose of the stage and rotated toward the sky into the stuffed arena, my mind skimmed back to all that I had encountered to achieve this moment, the day I transformed into a state champion. The start of the 2015 track season found me stressed over how I would perform. After an awful meeting with mononucleosis completed my first year initiates track season, the fear of disillusionment weighed energetically at the bleeding edge of my considerations. I set a goal for myself to keep up focus and to drive myself like nothing else would. My target for my sophomore track season was to wind up recognizably a state champion in the 100 meter . I locked in common at preparing and went the extra mile, for example, running every Sunday, to be as of late that extensively closer to accomplishing my target. The potential for success of having generally imperative on the stage in the point of convergence of the field, incorporated by a few spectators, vanquished my contemplations of whimpering each time we had a hard exercise. At the point when I shut my eyes, I imagined myself holding up in foreknowledge as various contenders names were gotten out, individually, until finally, the impa cting voice pronounced over the intensifier, ...and ahead of the pack position, your 2015 100 meter champion, from Georgia, TyDaesha Fezzia . It was dreams like these that drove me to work more diligently customary. As the season propelled, competition started getting fiercer. I was facing youngsters running at a 5A level, yet, I could persevere. Finally, there came an unobtrusive promising completion to the current game-plan; it showed up similarly as I was drawing nearer and closer to satisfying my target. Nearby my undefeated title came a massive objective painted on my back. I strictly checked Max Preps reliably to check whether the restriction was getting on me. It created the impression that each time I had improved, there was someone legitimately behind me, running their own best also. I arranged in the midst of the earlier weeks regionals like I had never arranged. Consistently my stomach ended up being increasingly reshaped with ties that hovered around all parts of my stomach. I don't think I had ever been that uneasy in all my years. Finally, regionals hit and the weight was on. I walked around regionals knowing the nonappearance of contention I would stand up to. Consistently this would impact me to defeat with charm, only this time, I realized it as of late suggested that I would need to work twice as hard. The principle time there to beat that day was mine. I expected to drive myself to get a period that was adequate to arrange me in a standout amongst other three spots at state. Consequently I would be set in a conventional warmth in the prelims at state. As I got into the pieces, I trained myself to see this race as if it were the last race at state and everything was remaining in a precarious situation. The weapon went off and I sprang from the squares. The whole course through the race I focused on my edge. Snap your path leg and don't swing your arms, kept experiencing my head. I finished first with a period that place me in my most adored way four at state. Directly, only a solitary week left until day of amends. As the days grew nearer, the butterflies in my stomach expanded. I comprehended that never again was I the big boss. Suddenly I was just a little fish in a significant lake. In the coming days I envisioned what state would look like. I would lie alert around night time mulling over what might turn out gravely. Conceivably I wouldn't have the ability to manage the weight and bogus start or significantly more horrendous, maybe I would fall. I endeavored to close out these untouchable thoughts and displaced them with dreams of progress. I would think about how incredible it

Friday, August 21, 2020

Gen. Henry Hap Arnold - World War II History

Gen. Henry Hap Arnold - World War II History Henry Harley Arnold (conceived at Gladwyne, PA on June 25, 1886) had a military vocation peppered with numerous triumphs and not many disappointments. He was the main official to hold the position of General of the Air Force. He kicked the bucket January 15,â 1950â and was covered at Arlington National Cemetery. Early Life The child of a specialist, Henry Harley Arnold was conceived at Gladwyne, PA on June 25, 1886. Going to Lower Merion High School, he graduated in 1903 and applied to West Point. Entering the institute, he demonstrated a prestigious prankster however just a person on foot understudy. Graduating in 1907, he positioned 66th out of a class of 111. In spite of the fact that he wanted to enter the rangers, his evaluations and disciplinary record forestalled this and he was relegated to the 29th Infantry as a subsequent lieutenant. Arnold at first fought this task at the end of the day yielded and joined his unit in the Philippines. Figuring out how to Fly While there, he become friends with Captain Arthur Cowan of the US Army Signal Corps. Working with Cowan, Arnold supported in making maps of Luzon. After two years, Cowan was requested to assume responsibility for the Signal Corps recently shaped Aeronautical Division. As a major aspect of this new task, Cowan was coordinated to select two lieutenants for pilot preparing. Reaching Arnold, Cowan scholarly of the youthful lieutenants enthusiasm for acquiring an exchange. After certain postponements, Arnold was moved to the Signal Corps in 1911 and started flight preparing at the Wright Brothers flying school in Dayton, OH. Taking his first performance trip on May 13, 1911, Arnold earned his pilot permit later that late spring. Sent to College Park, MD with his preparation accomplice, Lieutenant Thomas Millings, he set a few height precedents just as turned into the primary pilot to convey US Mail. Throughout the following year, Arnold started to build up a dread of flying in the wake of seeing and being a piece of a few accidents. Regardless of this, he won the lofty Mackay Trophy in 1912 for the most praiseworthy trip of the year. On November 5, Arnold endure a close deadly accident at Fort Riley, KS and expelled himself from flight status. Coming back to the Air Coming back to the infantry, he was again presented on the Philippines. While there he met first Lieutenant George C. Marshall and the two became deep rooted companions. In January 1916, Major Billy Mitchell offered Arnold an advancement to skipper on the off chance that he came back to avionics. Tolerating, he ventured out back to College Park for obligation as the gracefully official for the Aviation Section, US Signal Corps. That fall, helped by his companions in the flying network, Arnold conquered his dread of flying. Sent to Panama in mid 1917 to discover an area for a runway, he was on the way back to Washington when he learned of the US passage into World War I. World War I In spite of the fact that he wanted to go to France, Arnolds aeronautics experience prompted him being held in Washington at the Aviation Sections base camp. Elevated to the brief positions of major and colonel, Arnold managed the Information Division and campaigned for the entry of a huge aeronautics allotments bill. In spite of the fact that for the most part ineffective, he increased important understanding into arranging the governmental issues of Washington just as the turn of events and acquisition of airplane. In the mid year of 1918, Arnold was dispatched to France to brief General John J. Pershing on new aeronautics advancements. Interwar Years Following the war, Mitchell was moved to the enhanced US Army Air Service and was presented on Rockwell Field, CA. While there, he created associations with future subordinates, for example, Carl Spaatz and Ira Eaker. Subsequent to going to the Army Industrial College, he came back to Washington to the Office of the Chief of Air Service, Information Division, where he turned into an ardent supporter of the now-Brigadier General Billy Mitchell. At the point when the straightforward Mitchell was court-martialed in 1925, Arnold took a chance with his vocation by affirming in the interest of the air power advocate. For this and for releasing ace airpower data to the press, he was expertly ousted to Fort Riley in 1926 and provided order of the sixteenth Observation Squadron. While there, he become a close acquaintence with Major General James Fechet, the new leader of the US Army Air Corps. Interceding for Arnolds sake, Fechet had him sent to the Command and General Staff School. Graduating in 1929, his profession started to advance again and he held an assortment of peacetime orders. Subsequent to winning a second Mackay Trophy in 1934 for a trip to Alaska, Arnold was provided order of the Air Corps First Wing in March 1935 and elevated to brigadier general. That December, against his desires, Arnold came back to Washington and was made Assistant Chief of the Air Corps with obligation regarding acquirement and gracefully. In September 1938, his boss, Major General Oscar Westover, was murdered in an accident. Presently, Arnold was elevated to significant general and made Chief of the Air Corps. In this job, he started plans for growing the Air Corps to put it comparable to Army Ground Forces. He additionally started pushing an enormous, long haul innovative work plan with the objective improving the Air Corps gear. World War II With the developing danger from Nazi Germany and Japan, Arnold guided research endeavors to abuse existing advances and drove the improvement of airplane, for example, the Boeing B-17 and Consolidated B-24. Moreover, he started pushing for investigation into the advancement of fly motors. With the making of the US Army Air Forces in June 1941, Arnold was made Chief of the Army Air Forces and acting Deputy Chief of Staff for Air. Given a level of self-sufficiency, Arnold and his staff started arranging fully expecting the US section into World War II. Following the assault on Pearl Harbor, Arnold was elevated to lieutenant general and started ordering his war plans which required the barrier of the Western Hemisphere just as flying offensives against Germany and Japan. Under his aegis, the USAAF made various aviation based armed forces for organization in the different performance centers of battle. As the key bombarding effort initiated in Europe, Arnold kept on squeezing for the advancement of new airplane, for example, the B-29 Superfortress, and bolster gear. Starting in mid 1942, Arnold was named Commanding General, USAAF and made an individual from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Combined Chiefs of Staff. Notwithstanding upholding for and supporting vital bombarding, Arnold sponsored different activities, for example, the Doolittle Raid, the development of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASPs), just as discussed straightforwardly with his top administrators to discover their necessities firsthand. Elevated to general in March 1943, he before long had the first of a few wartime cardiovascular failures. Recouping, he went with President Franklin Roosevelt to the Tehran Conference soon thereafter. With his airplane beating the Germans in Europe, he started concentrating on making the B-29 operational. Ruling against utilizing it Europe, he chose to send it to the Pacific. Sorted out into the Twentieth Air Force, the B-29 power stayed under Arnolds individual order and flew first from bases in China and afterward the Marianas. Working with Major General Curtis LeMay, Arnold managed the crusade against the Japanese home islands. These assaults saw LeMay, with Arnolds endorsement, lead gigantic firebombing assaults on Japanese urban areas. The war at last reached a conclusion when Arnolds B-29s dropped the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Later Life Following the war, Arnold set up Project RAND (Research and Development) which was entrusted with examining military issues. Venturing out to South America in January 1946, he had to sever the excursion due to declining wellbeing. As result, he resigned from dynamic assistance the next month and chose a farm in Sonoma, CA. Arnold spent his last years composing his journals and in 1949 had his last position changed to General of the Air Force. The main official to hold this position, he kicked the bucket on January 15, 1950 and was covered at Arlington National Cemetery. Chosen Sources HistoryNet: General Henry Hap ArnoldHenry H. Arnold

U.S. Vs. Japan In WWII Essays - Japan, Free Essays, Term Papers

U.S. Versus Japan In WWII Essays - Japan, Free Essays, Term Papers U.S. versus Japan in WWII On August 6, 1945 the nuclear bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The Enola Gay, guided by Colonel Tibbetts, was picked to make the mission. The crucial recorded as effective by Capt. William S. Parson at 9:20 A.M. This was a very dubious military procedure in the United States. Was the United States supported in the dropping of the nuclear bomb? Indeed, they were supported formany reasons. The essential explanation was, that it would stop the war. Can any anyone explain why this war required to be halted so severely? Despite the fact that somehow or another it was helping our economy, it was expensive in both cash and lives. Likewise, the United States warriors were experiencing unforgiving treatment by the unmerciful Japanese. Another explanation the war should have been halted was to guard ourselves from another assault on U.S. soil, which thusly would slaughter numerous of our U.S. residents. This is the reason the war should have been halted; therefore, legitimizing the utilization of the nuclear bomb. World War II was the costliest war ever, in terms of lives lost. No careful figures exist, yet around somewhere in the range of 15 and 20 million military work force were executed. Of these, 292,000 were Americans and 6,000 honest United States residents were killed by our adversaries. It has been evaluated that if the United States had not dropped the bomb and had attacked Japan rather, the US would have lost around a million warriors. The Japanese self-destructive battling methodologies enormously affected this number. The Japanese would prefer to kick the bucket than give up. This is exhibited by the skirmish of Saipan. At this fight over half of the number of inhabitants in Saipan strolled off a bluff of giving up to the United States. This was frequently very viable. Commonly when a Japanese fighter chose to explode himself as opposed to giving up he would slaughter numerous Americans with a similar impact. Additionally the kamikaze methods of the Japanese contenders slaughtered numerous fighters. In the event that this war would have proceeded with we could have lost thousands more. Likewise as yet we burned through 300 billion dollars on war endeavors. Numerous materials and different articles were harmed. Any gauge on how much cash was lost in harms would be worthless. This number would have kept on rising on the off chance that it had not been for the utilization of the nuclear bomb. The loathsome outrages that happened during World War II were unmerciful just as pointless. During one intrusion of China, the assault of Nanking, the Japanese executed 100,000 Chinese regular people. They were scorched, butchered, and assaulted. Here and there the Japanese would tie a major gathering of them together and use them for pike and blade practice. After the fall of Bataan the officers had to go on a passing walk. During this walk numerous incomprehensible things happened to the officers. A warrior was regularly murdered for attempting to get a beverage of water. On the off chance that a warrior tumbled down the Japanese would either pike them or thump them oblivious. When they were thumped oblivious, the Japanese at that point constrained another American warrior to cover the oblivious fighter alive. One fighter once remarked, The most noticeably awful time was once when an internment casualty with around six creeps of earth over him abruptly recovered cognizance and torn out until he was practically sitting upstanding. At that point I figured out how to what length a man will go to cling to his life. The blades started to goad me in the side and I was compelled to slam the trooper over the head with the scoop and at that point get done with covering him.(Kappler, Pg. 168) This unforgiving treatment to honest regular folks and our officers expected to stop. The nuclear bomb was an approach to stop it. On December 7, 1941, A day that will live in disgrace, Pearl Harbor was intentionally assaulted by the Japanese. Reports show that 2400 individuals were murdered and 1300 were injured. Japan besieged Pearl Harbor because since that was the place the entirety of our Navy ships were situated. They were wanting to take out the Navy and were practically fruitful. The plane carrying warships were relied upon to be in the harbor, yet fortunately were most certainly not. In spite of the fact that the assault may have been a military achievement

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Critical Essay Topics That You Can Research

Critical Essay Topics That You Can ResearchCritical Essay topics include topic choices for the analytical essay, which may include an occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. There are several key essay topics that may be utilized in order to prepare for this type of essay. It is important to take the time to learn and prepare for the essay so that you can successfully complete it successfully.The occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge critical essay topic is one that can be used for several different topics for a variety of essay formats. This includes types of essays, such as the multiple-choice format, the multiple-choice type of essay, the summary or partial-entry format, the comprehensive essay, and the essay known as the dissertation format. If you want to learn about the various types of essays, you can read the different formats in order to get an idea of what type of essay you need to prepare for, as well as learn about the different topics that you can prepare for in order to be successful with this critical essay topic.When preparing for the critical essay topics, it is important to consider the difference between critical essay topics and standard essay topics. A critical essay is generally considered a different level of essay than being a standard essay, and therefore the critical essay topics must be different than standard essay topics. However, it should be noted that standard essay topics are not written in the critical essay format, but in the conventional format.Typical critical essay topics include those that will give you an insight into an area that you would like to discuss in your academic writing. These topics might also include those that will delve into different facets of a particular area that you would like to write about. These topics can help you become familiar with the different areas that you would like to learn about, so that you are more familiar with the information you will need to know.The next type of essay critical essay topics may inc lude those that will serve as assignments for students. The assignment is a critical topic because it involves some type of research and input from the student. Therefore, if you want to be successful with your assignment, you will want to provide the student with valuable input that they can use in their own academic research.The essay that serves as an objective essay is another topic that may be considered a critical essay topic. The objective essay generally focuses on presenting information in a persuasive way. The goal is to present the information in a way that will convince the reader to agree with what you have to say.If you are researching information in order to present it in a persuasive way, you will want to be sure that you do not make any mistakes while researching the information. If you make a mistake, you will lose points off of your paper, which will result in the topic being disqualified. In order to be successful with this type of essay, you will want to pay att ention to the information that you use, as well as your writing style.Finally, you will want to be sure that you are prepared for the critical essay topics that you encounter in the future. You can research topics for this essay on the Internet, through books, or through a variety of other resources that are available to you. The key is to be ready when these essays come up, so that you are prepared to be successful with it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Speluncean Case Decision And The Relevance Of Legal Theory - 2750 Words

The Speluncean Explorer Case Decision And The Relevance Of Legal Theory (Essay Sample) Content: THE SPELUNCEAN EXPLORER CASEBy (students name)The Name of the Class (Course)Professor (Tutor)The Name of the School (University)The City and State where it is locatedThe DateFacts of the Case Four cave explorers who belonged to the Speluncean Society had embarked on a cave trip together with the deceased Mr. Roger Whetmore. The Speluncean Society was an organization whose members were cave explorers. Roger Whetmore was also a member of the society and on May of 4299, they made their way through the interior of a cave in the Central Plateau. The mission of the of the five-member team had been to explore the limestone cavern in the Plateau. While inside the cave, a landslide materialized and boulders from the landslide trapped the entrance of the cave thus blocking the only exit from the cave rendering the group of five men prisoners in the cave. When the five men failed to show up, their families notified the Society's Secretary, who coordinated a search rescue team. From the trails, indications presented that the cave explorers had left traces of which was followed by the rescue group. While at the scene of the incidence, the rescue team noted the overwhelming problem that they faced to rescue the men. Noting this problem the team assembled a huge number of geologists, workmen, engineers, and other experts and the men went straight to work. However, the process of unblocking the entrance of the cave was on most occasions frustrated by the new forms of landslides. The process was so distressful that in the process at least ten men working on the entrance died from the landslides. The funds which the Society relied on to support the rescue mission were also depleted and this comprised both the amount raised by popular subscription and legislative grant. Due to the rescue process taking considerable time, the rescue team feared that the explorers might die from starvation. What was known was that the group only had minimal provision and that p lant and animal life in the cave was doubted. Lucky enough, Whetmore and the group had carried a communication radio and were able to communicate with the rescue team. They inquired as to how long the rescue would take and be informed that by ten days they would be out of the cave. They then inquired from the physicians if they would survive the ten days of the rescue mission. They narrated their condition, and the chairperson of the physician committee replied that the possibility of such survival was extremely minimal. Eight hours after the response the communication between the two groups was distorted and after restoration, the men in the cave requested for the chairperson of the physicians. Whetmore, who was speaking on behalf of the group and himself, inquired whether they would be able to survive if they ate one of them. The answer was in the affirmative. Whetmore again inquired from the physicians on their advice in casting lots to determine who amongst them their flesh the y would consume. The physicians refrained from replying, and Whetmore inquired whether any judge was present within the rescue team to retort to the question but amongst the group none was willing. He went further and asked for either a priest or minister of the government could answer the question but took up that role. The team went ahead with Whetmore encouraging the casting of lots to determine who amongst them they would kill and consume to survive. The radio communication went off, and the men in the cave cast the lots, and Whetmore was the victim. They, therefore, killed and ate him. From the inquiry, it was noted that on the twenty-third since their initial entry into the cave, Whetmore was killed and eaten by the other members of the group. It was noted that before the lots were cast, Whetmore withdrew from the process and insisted that they wait for at least a week as he reflected before they could do the same. The other members protested breach of faith and continued w ith the casting of the lots. Whetmore was distraught, and when his turn to cast arrived, a member volunteered, and the group inquired from Whetmore if in case he had objections against the member casting the lot on his behalf but he informed them that he had no such objections. The cast went to him, and the members killed and ate him. After the rescue, they were prosecuted for murder and according to the laws of Newgarth, the defendants were found guilty were meant to face the mandatory death sentence. The sentence was granted according to section 12-A of the Newgarth statute.The Decision and the Relevance of Legal TheoryNatural law and moral Integrity of the law According to natural law theory, the law derives its validity from the considerations of moral merits and these are inherent humanity. Therefore, the law and morality represent the fundamental tenets and accordingly the conduct of human is regulated by what is moral and what is not is thus not according to the law. In th e Speluncean case, the judgment of the lower court had been predicated on positive law interpretation. The judge interpreted the case as stipulated by the statute and not according to what was moral or not. The natural law legal theory is explicitly brought out by the decision of Justice Foster in the Supreme Court. Foster notes that the law applicable in Newgarth was inapplicable to the defendants while they were trapped in the cave. He pointed out that the law of nature guided posited law by Newgarth and thus derive their validity from the same. Foster notes that the posited law governed human relations or are enacted to regulate human relations. However, where the circumstance emanates that the human relationship seems impossible, then the underlying reasoning for the law also ceases. Thus, accordingly the enacted law does not apply, and the only applicable law is that which appropriate to the circumstance. The defendants were therefore in a similar situation and accordingly th e enacted law should not be applied. The defendants were separated from the jurisdiction of the State by the rock and thus the social contract which mandates the State to provide peace, order and assistance were inapplicable. Therefore, the only applicable law is the natural law which considers the morality of the case. Positive is inherently territorial according to his judgment while natural law is not Justice Foster again argued that the purposive approach to the law should be highly encouraged. The interpretation of the positive law should be conducted reasonably by the evidence in place and not just as the law states. He propounds the rationale behind self-defense in criminal law. The exceptions in self-defense are only provided for the purpose of that defense and not as expressly declared by the statute. The same rationale, when applied in the Speluncean case, notes that the defendants never presented any element of bad faith when they killed Roger Whetmore but were merely d efending their bodies while giving assistance to their bodies. In essence killing the deceased was an act of self-defense. He thus, set the ruling of the Trial Court and provided the purposive approach interpretation to the statute.Legal Positivism The theory of legal positivism is well curved out from the case through the decisions of both Justice Tatting and Justice Keen. Legal positivism emphasizes the application of the social norms as promulgated by the legislature or case law. Thus, the law should be applied as it is indicated in the statute. Justice Tatting reiterated the comments by Justice Foster that the law should be implemented purposively and the purpose for such an application in criminal law was deterrence. Another purposive use was for retribution and as such was imperative as he quoted from the case of Commonwealth v Scales where the outlet for retribution was held to be an object of the law. Chipped in the same case was the element of rehabilitation of the wrongd oer. Tatting J also echoed the doubt that would arise out of the purpose of the law evaluated to be multiple. The application of self-defense in the case could not be justified as well since the defendants had the time to deliberate over the matter for hours unlike instances of self-defense where the circumstances were unexpected. The only shred of credence provided by Tatting J is the call for purposive interpretation of the statute. He believed in judicial precedence but doubted the effect of the precedence of future cases. The doubts as to the purpose and the effect of judicial precedence provided Tatting with conflicting doubts, and he, therefore, rescued himself from the case. Justice Keens ruling represents the hard school of legal positivism. His sense of argument explicitly expresses strong taste of textualism interpretation of the law rather than purposive approach. Keen J notes that the question of deciding whether what the defendants did was wrong or right is not a qu estion for the judge as the judge is guided by the posited law and not the morality of the action. This argument represents the contention by HLA Hart of the issue of separation of the posited law from morality. The separation of the two is in fact, according to Justice Keen, the basis of legislative supremacy. The Parliament makes the law while the courts interpret them and not make laws too. Accordingly, if the law were separated from morality, the interpretation of section 12-A of the Newgarth statute would be easier to apply. The requirement entailed willful killing of which the defendants willfully killed Whetmore, and if such requirement was meant then the law was clear, they had to serve the capital sentence. The harshness of such a decision is up to the legislature to address the loopholes in its laws and not the judiciary and accordingly the court should not usurp such power of the parliament. Therefore, according to Ju...

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Marketing Analysis Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd - 970 Words

Introduction 1.1 Brief overview of the company The brand Dettol came up with a product of Antiseptic Liquid to treat cuts and wounds. Dettol originated from India and launched their first store in 1933. It has been the most trusted brand in India for a long time. Dettol was not only to treat cuts and wounds but it became used in hospitals and nursing homes. Consumers also used it to clean their floor and to bathe. Dettol does not only have the Antiseptic Liquid product but has other product categories that they extended to such as, liquid hand wash, liquid body wash, toilet soaps, shaving creams and plaster strips that were introduced over the years since establishment. Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd is #1 in the world for house hold cleaning. They manufacture, market and distribute Dettol in over 180 countries. Dettol has distinct associations with its strong smell. When customers apply the product they feel a tingling sensation that no other product in the same market has. Both of these factors are Dettol’s trademark qualities. 3. Situation analysis - External marketing environment (Marketing audit) 3.1 Nature of the customer Consumers see Dettol as an ‘expert’, as something which is effective, versatile and guarantees protection from germs. It has been likened to a bodyguard who protects them from the unclean and unhygienic outside world. The brand’s versatility stems from multiple uses of the antiseptic liquid which offers protection in so many different forms.[1]Show MoreRelatedReport on Dettol Soap1208 Words   |  5 PagesMARKETING MANAGEMENT CASE STUDY ON Dettol Soap CONCEPT NOTE SUBMITTED TO – BY- Dr. Tanjul Saxena Dr. Yogesh Pande Dr. Vikash k. sinha DATE-24/01/2011 INDUSTRY- Soap Industry COMPANY- Reckitt Benckiser (India)Read MoreCapital Budgeting Practice in Bd2333 Words   |  10 PagesSummary Reckitt Benckiser Bangladesh Ltd is a leading player in the FMCG market of Bangladesh with a focus on Health, Hygiene amp; Home. Making differencing from conventional playing company in Bangladesh Reckitt Benckiser has strong intention for modern developed capital budgeting technique in evaluating their potential projects especially in large Ramp;D projects. The company mainly uses IRR. It uses sophisticated methods to project future cash flows. The company also uses scenario analysis to incorporateRead MoreMarketing Project of Reckitt Benckiser19417 Words   |  78 PagesContents 1 History 2 Present Environments and Culture 3 Visions and Mission 4 Employment Hierarchies 5 Commitments 6 Develop Strategy Marketing Sales Finance Operational INTRODUCTION TO COMPANY Reckitt Benckiser is a British global consumer goods company, making and marketing home, health and personal care products. Headquartered in Slough, near London, UK, it has operations in over 60 countries, including 42 manufacturing facilities, and sales in nearly 200countries. RB is ranked 6th in the 2008Read MoreMarketing Project of Reckitt Benckiser19403 Words   |  78 PagesContents 1 History 2 Present Environments and Culture 3 Visions and Mission 4 Employment Hierarchies 5 Commitments 6 Develop Strategy Marketing Sales Finance Operational INTRODUCTION TO COMPANY Reckitt Benckiser is a British global consumer goods company, making and marketing home, health and personal care products. Headquartered in Slough, near London, UK, it has operations in over 60 countries, including 42 manufacturing facilities, and sales in nearly 200countries. RB is rankedRead MoreMarketing Plan for Dettol Liquid Handwash2473 Words   |  10 PagesEXECUTIVE SUMMARY..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦2 2. INTRODUCTION 1. Markets for various categories: The Liquid Handwash†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦........2 3. MARKETING STRATEGY 1. Strategies and Objectives†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..3 2. SWOT Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦...3 3. Situational analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦......4 4. Competition analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....5 5. Players in the Market†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...6 6. Communication†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7 7. OtherRead MoreMosquito Repellent Industry4677 Words   |  19 Pagesreckoned at around Rs 173 million against a mere Rs 79 million in urban centers. The market leader of the industry is Godrej Sara Lee Ltd. with brands like Good Knight, Jet and Hit enjoying a market share of 40% THE EVOLUTION: Coils were the first mosquito repellants to be introduced in the Indian market. The first brand of coils was Tortoise, launched by Bombay Chemicals Ltd. (BCL) in the 1970s. In the 1980s Good Knight was launched and mats used with electronic mosquito destroyers became extremely effectiveRead MoreIntroduction to Fmcg Industry8866 Words   |  36 Pagesfrequently than other electronic products. White goods in FMCG refer to household electronic items such as Refrigerators, T.Vs, Music Systems, etc. In 2005, the Rs. 48,000-crore FMCG segment was one of the fast growing industries in India. According to the AC Nielsen India study, the industry grew 5.3% in value between 2004 and 2005. 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The FMCG sector in India had a growth rate of 15% in the year 2011. FMCG companies in India The following is a list of FMCG companies in India: †¢ Hindustan Unilever Ltd. †¢ ITC Limited †¢ Britannia Industries Ltd. †¢ Marico Industries Ltd. †¢Read MoreStrategic Management Practice and Theory of Uniliver Bangladesh Ltd.6578 Words   |  27 PagesAssignment On Strategic Management practice and theory of Uniliver Bangladesh Ltd. Course title: Strategic Management Course code: MGT506 Date of Submission: 10th May, 2012 10th May, 2012. Md. Azizul Haque Course Instructor Subject: Submission of Assignment. Dear Sir, I am highly pleased to submit my report on â€Å"Strategic Management practice and theory of Uniliver Bangladesh LTD.† In preparing this assignment I have tried my level best to accumulate relevant

Monday, May 18, 2020

Angel Island - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 14 Words: 4076 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2018/12/17 Category Geography Essay Type Research paper Level High school Topics: Migration Essay Did you like this example? Between 1890 and 1924, more than 20 million newcomers entered the Unified States, more than in any practically identical period in our countrys history. Escaping destitution and persecution for a superior, more liberated life, numerous settlers always remembered their first look at the Statue of Freedom. Holding up high an inviting light, she symbolized Americas guarantee. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Angel Island" essay for you Create order In the words later engraved at the statues base, Give me your tired, your poor, your clustered masses longing to inhale free. Emma Lazarus words mythologized the migration encounter for European settlers who entered the head portal of the East Drift: Ellis Island Movement Station in New York Harbor. On the West Drift, from 1910 to 1940, the larger part of workers landing in San Francisco got a substantially chillier gathering at the remote, Angel Island Migration Station. The dominant part of workers crossing the Pacific originated from Asia, not Europe. To comprehend their treatment, we should comprehend its foundations. The larger part of newcomers at Angel Island were from China and Japan. Their stories are very much archived. Less is thought about the relative modest bunch landed from different nations around the globe including the Punjab, Russia, the Philippines, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, and Latin America. Their stories stay to be assembled. In 1849, news that gold had been found in California drew hundreds, at that point a huge number of Chinese to the land they called Gold Mountain. A large number of the hopefuls hailed from Guangdong Region in southern China, which had been assailed by common and man-made calamities and by a crumbling provincial economy. More than 90% of the 250,000 Chinese who entered the U.S. in the vicinity of 1849 and 1882 originated from Guangdongs Pearl Waterway Delta. Numerous transients wanted to labor for a couple of years in the Assembled States and afterward come back to their country with a sizeable retirement fund. Fortune, in any case, was slippery, and numerous sojourners transformed into lasting pilgrims. The 1880 registration recorded more than 100,000 Chinese living in the U.S. At to start with, the Chinese were invited as a wellspring of shoddy and tractable work. They assembled railways, cleared land and worked in mining and agribusiness all through West. As they ended up noticeabl y settled, they looked for higher wages and their triumphs as free diggers and ranchers were despised. As the economy soured, sorted out work, daily papers, and government officials rushed to raise a clamor against an exceedingly unmistakable minority. Hostile to Chinese enactment was quickly passed at the neighborhood and state levels, and afterward all through the West. By the mid-1870s, lawmakers in Washington shaped a board of trustees to investigate forbidding Chinese workers from entering the nation. The times destructive bigotry gave a prepared reason. As Caleb Cushing, a U.S. official to China in the 1840s expressed, [We belong] to the brilliant white race whose power and benefit it is to Christianize and edify, to charge and to be complied, to overcome and to rule. I admit to a correspondence with me the white man my blood and race, regardless of whether he be a Saxon of Britain or the Celtic of Ireland. Be that as it may, I dont concede as my equivalents either the red man of America, the yellow man of Asia or the dark man of Africa. In 1877, Indiana Congressperson Oliver P. Morton stated, if the Chinese in California were white individuals I dont trust that the dissensions and fighting made against them would have existed. Asian workers were simple targets. It was the age of the mixture, which set extreme weight on European outsiders to forsake the dialect, dress, traditions, even the names from their country and to mix flawlessly into their embraced nation. Since Asians couldnt shed their yellow skin, they were esteemed perpetually unassimilable. Both the Popularity based and Republican gatherings bolstered the Chinese Rejection Demonstration of 1882, which restricted movement on the premise of nationality or race out of the blue. The law additionally explained what the Migration Demonstration of 1870 had just inferred, and particularly denied Chinese foreigners the privilege to wind up noticeably naturalized U.S. natives. The Chinese shaped the principal noteworthy deluge of workers from Asia. The example built up by their treatment set the tone for progressive influxes of newcomers from Japan, the Punjab, Korea, and the Philippines. These cross examinations were in no way, shape or form reasonable, nor were they in light of some other legitimate or down to earth point of reference. While absurd detainments were at that point the standard, the demonstration of questioning outsiders to the degree that the Chinese were grilled was unfathomable ever. These cross examinations were perplexing and itemized, and intended to entrap unwitting Chinese foreigners looking for entrance into the Unified States. The cross examinations not just introduced an obstacle for approaching migrants by dragging out their confinement at Angel Island and expanding the administration required to process Chinese outsiders, however would profoundly scar the Chinese arrival in the Unified States. Besides, the horrendous encounters at Angel Island combined with different works on following the confinements, for example, assaults of Chinatown amid the Red Frighten of the 1950s directed to a tireless dread of expulsion via landed Chinese. The cr oss examinations were something other than straightforward inquiries concerning ones town or guardians, rather they were, taken all in all, another strategy to reject the Chinese from America. Cross examinations of Chinese Settlers at Angel Island Like Ellis Island in New York Harbor, Angel Island in San Francisco Straight was a section point for outsiders in the mid-20th century. The Angel Island movement station prepared little quantities of workers from Japan, Italy, and different parts of the world and was the key place of cross examination and detainment for migrants from China (Angel Island Outline, Disc ROM). Angel Island in 1910 to uphold the Chinese Rejection Act go in 1882 and reestablished in 1892 and 1902. In spite of Chinese commitments to building the American West before 1880, the U. S. ordered laws restricting the relocation of Chinese workers after 1882 and tolerating just dealers, educators, understudies, and the groups of American-conceived Chinese. These were then 105, 465 Chinese in the nation, for the most part in California. Under the Naturalization Law of 1790, Chinese outsiders were considered outsiders ineligible to citizenship, however those conceived in the U. S were nationals under the 14th revision. Displayed in its techniques on Ellis Island, Angel Island was a station to filter the movement stream yet in addition a boundary to bar Chinese spare the individuals who fit the absolved classes or were identified with U. S residents (Angel Island Diagram, Compact disc Rom). Chinese movement, in the wake of being closed down for a long time by administrative enactment and an against Chinese atmosphere continued rapidly after 1906. The 1906 San Francisco quake devastated most movement records in the city, enabling numerous occupant Chinese to assert U. S citizenship and numerous others to claim to be paper children. Chinese Americans who came back from visits home and detailed births of children and girls along these lines made openings, which were regularly used to acquire migrants who took on the appearance of children or little girls. By this stratagem, a large number of Chinese evaded expected American avoidances (Male Prisoners at Angel Island, Album Rom). These paper children paper vendors expanded the quantity of Chinese settlers by an incredible rate. It was this assumed populace blast that would lead the Assembled States to explore all approaching Chinese migrants. Being careful about the difficulty of such a large number of real offspring of U. S. subjects of Chinese drop, the bureau of migration and naturalization searched out to confirm that these individuals were without a doubt the genuine children and little girls or the real representatives that they asserted to be. Accordingly, it was against this chronicled foundation and under these specific sponsorships that the cross examinations at Angel Island were completed from 1910 to 1940. The whole cross examination was approximately organized, yet in no way, shape or form were they normal or reasonable. In the wake of being held at Angel Island on a writ of habeas corpus, Chinese workers were grilled by a Leading body of Unique Request which was made out of two examiners, one of which was the Administrator of the Board, a stenographer, lastly a mediator. This board was not held to specialized guidelines of methodology orconfirm as utilized as a part of other government courts yet rather was permitted to utilize any methods it considered fit under the rejection demonstrations and migration laws to find out the candidates authenticity to enter the Assembled States (Lai, 20). Like foreigners at Ellis Island, outsiders at Angel Island were put through assessments were more troublesome, regularly stretching out more than a few days (Angel Island Sleeping quarters, Album ROM). Outsiders at Angel Island experienced stringent exams and thorough cross examinations. Any indica tions of transmittable sicknesses like trachoma or hookworm, both normal in Asia, or of undesired characteristics implied foreswearing of passageway (Therapeutic Handling, Compact disc Rom). Chinese foreigners likewise experienced nitty gritty lawful examinations. Authorities addressed them about moment parts of their lives in China, including the quantity of steps paving the way to their homes. Answers given by migrants were contrasted and those given by relatives and companions to similar inquiries. Little errors implied rejection and expelling (Cross examination, Disc ROM). To give a general thought of the structure of the cross examination, an overseer gave a concise depiction of the line of addressing he took: He began by getting the information on the candidate himself: his name, age, some other names, and physical portrayal. At that point we would request that he portray his family: his dad his childhood name, marriage name, and some other names he may have had, his age et cetera. At that point we would go down the line: what number of siblings and sisters depicted in detail names, age, sex, et cetera. At that point we would need to go into the more seasoned ages: fatherly grandparents; at that point what number of uncles and close relatives and they must be depicted. At that point the town: the area, what number of houses it was made out of, how masterminded, what number of houses in each column, which way the town confronted, what was the head and tail of the town. At that point the nearby neighbors. At that point depict the house: what number of rooms and portray them What markets they went to. Get some answers concerning the fathers excursion: when he got back home, to what extent was he home, did he go to any extraordinary places, and depict the trek from his town to Hong Kong (Lai 112). Along these lines, plainly there was a semi-inflexible structure to the line of scrutinizing that the controllers took. Notwithstanding, inside the cross-examination structure, assessors were allowed to veer off and get some information about anything that they felt may explain the genuine status of the migrant. At last, candidates were normally made a few inquiries a few hundred inquiries, yet at times were solicited upwards from a thousand (Chen 107). In the wake of investigating the witness, the board generally searched out different witnesses. These additional witnesses were generally made out of relatives or business accomplices. Customarily white witnesses would be acquired to affirm for the Chinese migrant being referred to. Normally the inquiries saved for these white witnesses were strikingly shorter than the inquiries asked of Chinese companions or relatives. In the wake of taking the announcements of relatives and colleagues, investigative specialists brought the outsider back in and started to inspect and additionally question slight inconsistencies in proclamations between relatives and the migrant. It is proposed that the looking at officer intently take after the examination as of now led, unmistakably building up any varieties which may show up (Letter from worker examiner to Magistrate of Movement). The time it took to take the declarations of all gatherings included more often than not extended from three to four days. The length of the cross examination was exacerbated if the relatives were situated in some eastern city, for example, Chicago or New York. In these cases, it was important to relate forward and backward and have relatives or other accessible witnesses give declaration to the Mig ration Administration workplaces in those urban areas and transmit the records back to San Francisco (Clauss 65-66). The aggregate declaration was somewhere in the range of twenty to eighty pages contingent upon the case yet for the most part found the middle value of forty or fifty pages of wrote declaration (Chen 107). At this point if a choice by the board could at present not be achieved the case would be suspended for ten days, in which more information would be assembled. In this period, letters from associates may be assembled from individuals from the group who knew the group of the settler. These colleagues would vouch for the way that, in reality the family was anticipating that a part should land on a specific day on a specific ship. Notwithstanding, more vitally, these letters frequently talked about the familys great remaining in the group. These letters generally composed by white businesspeople, were composed in the expectations that the board would be persuaded of the status of the settler and enable that individual to arrive. The basic tone of the message, nonetheless, was one of proposal. The white man was vouching for the Chinese family in these letters, expressing his own insight about the family. It was not adequate for the Chinese family to express that in reality they were anticipating that relatives should land in America. The board required a more dependable source which implied a white man. These letters more often than not praised the ideals of the Chinese native, for example, trustworthiness and commonly Christianity, which were held in high respect by a white America and particularly a white Uncommon Leading group of Request. After all the supplemental data, including the letters of proposal, was gotten and checked on a choice was made. In the event that the choice was induction, the prisoner was permitted to arrive without a moments delay. Nonetheless, if the choice was expulsion, the prisoner had five days to dissent this choice. His or her case would be retried and he or she would be reexamined. These investigative be that as it may, needed to remain on Angel Island while anticipating for their allure hearing. It was here that some would remain in upwards of two years, holding up to get notification from the board (Clauss, 50). What is most striking about this in any case, is that an ultimate choice of permitting Chinese into the nation was construct less in light of the expression of the Chinese family as it was on a reliable white man. The migration and naturalization benefit obviously realized that numerous Chinese outsiders were utilizing false claims to get access into the Assembled States. Assessors were at that point mindful of the way that a significant number of the Chinese contestants after 1906 were false. .. numerous Chinese started to come back to this nation and they guaranteed to return as locals. Truly, it would have been humanly unimaginable for a large portion of them to be natives on the grounds that there were relatively few Chinese ladies here (Lai 112). A moment motivation behind why the Chinese were cross examined was because of the way that the new foreigners were all charging that they were really residents or potential nationals, instead of outsiders. In this way, the migration station needed to test the legitimacy of these cases of citizenship status (Lai 111). The aim of the Leading body of Exceptional Request at Angel Island was to expel or reject however many planned Chinese foreigners as could reasonably be expected. Under the aegis of searching out reality and isolating the authentic outsiders from the spurious cases, the movement benefit tried to prohibit the Chinese. This is clear from the kind of inquiries solicited and the evading from customary guidelines of system. The sort of inquiries was regularly in view of past information concerning the town. After these examiners had worked a huge number of cases, they had picked up a reasonable learning of what a portion of the real towns resembled. With this learning of the town format, they made inquiries that were deliberately wrong to capture foreigners. The meticulousness and the questionable lines of addressing were just utilized as cause for avoidance. An auxiliary reason inspiring the migration benefit at Angel Island was execution. The more individuals they demonstrated blameworthy of false papers then the more effective that they appeared. Chinese settlers being landed would just draw feedback from people in general. Hence, they would incline toward whatever number Chinese expelled as could be expected under the circumstances since this would upgrade their picture as being exhaustive and totally committed watchmen. The activity at that point gave sufficient individual inspiration to the investigators to be particularly resolved against the passage of Chinese. This is obviously confirming by the cross-examination process, in which the fundamental goal was to not discover reality but rather to reject whatever number Chinese as could be expected under the circumstances. Investigative specialists made inquiries even after one had said no, or expressed that they didnt have the foggiest idea. Along these lines they could get inconsistencies when they at last addressed a similar inquiry expressed in an alternate frame. From here they could additionally address foreigners on why they didnt answer a similar inquiry the first run through. This sort of addressing was to a great degree regular for those guaranteeing to be children or little girls of U. S. nationals or accomplices in a business. The intention of the cross examination: to trap Chinese workers into negating themselves and in this way, give adequate motivation to have them expelled. The typical reaction to why migrants had addressed wrong was that they didnt comprehend the mediator the first run through. Other intriguing reasons were frequently given, for the most part expressing that the individual affirming was to a great degree anxious. On a few events, letters were sent to the Leading group of Unique Request by individuals who had affirmed, attempting to clarify a goof or a faltering in their declaration as being caused by a mishap while in transit to Angel Island making them be anxious or an affliction in which they were to a great degree tense and couldnt think or focus on the inquiries. The breaches in memory for the most part happened in light of the plentiful measures of data a large number of these workers needed to remember from their instructing books. The legitimacy of the reasons cant be found out , yet it was more than likely that huge numbers of the reasons and letters kept in touch with the Leading body of Extraordinary Request endeavored to compose anWe could contend this was unnecessary data however the board and the examiners could contend that anyone who knows about their own particular town should know their neighbors. Accordingly, expulsion in view of irregularities could be viewed as a to a great degree subjective action. Since all cases had errors each cases conflicting declaration must be weighed. At last it would be the subjective idea of the board in figuring out which logical inconsistencies were major and which were minor. This assurance of major or minor would fill in as a reason for which Chinese could be landed or ousted. In a last estimation, it must be said that the Leading body of Uncommon Request made endeavors to be reasonable and construct their choices with respect to what they felt was a reasonable assessment of the proof. The rate and number of Chinese that were prohibited because of the cross examinations was not really striking. What is of note, in any case, is the whole catastrophe that the Chinese needed to persist in endeavoring to enter America. The cross examinations transparently displayed consecrated American standards, for example, reasonableness and equity the Chinese at Angel Island were blameworthy until demonstrated pure. Not exclusively did the weight of evidence fall on them, choices concerning their extradition were made utilizing cross examination strategies which were unprecedented. The treatment of the Chinese was additionally in dissimilarity with that of all other foreigner gatherings. The historical backdrop of Chinese settlers at Angel Island contrasted and that of foreigners at Ellis Island demonstrates a distinct difference in conditions and treatment. The gathered Ellis Island of the West, Angel Island never replicated Ellis Island in all views as treatment of outsiders separated extraordinarily. European outsiders at Ellis Island were never associated with entering wrongfully. In particular they never experienced concentrated cross examinations like the Chinese did. A significant number of those at Ellis Island recollect the perplexity of being raced through quick therapeutic, legitimate, and mental examinations while imminent Chinese migrants at Angel Island sat tight calmly for their cross-examination dates (Yung 64). Cross examinations were never completed for other settler bunches in courtrooms or in some other movement station. There was basically no point of reference for the sort of treatment the Chinese withstood. The criticalness of these cross examinations lies not in the numbers that they dismissed but rather in the scars that they exited on the Chinese individuals. The troublesome involvement with Angel Island joined with the thorough cross examinations pervaded a steady dread of migration authorities. This dread drove numerous Chinese to stay quiet about their movement encounter. The trouble of the cross examinations and the treatment of Chinese at Angel Island was yet one of the elements which influenced the Chinese to live in tenacious dread of expulsion. Other migration strategies proceeded after Angel Island was shut, for example, assaults on private homes, eateries, and different organizations amid the 1950s which left numerous Chinese with an abused feeling of protection and authenticity as Joined States natives (Hong 75). Since numerous Chinese had a remark, and many entered unlawfully, and in view of the extraordinary level of extradition authorization coordinated at them, numerous Chinese lived in fear and stayed quiet about their encounters, doing whatever it takes not to implicate themselves (Hong 75). In this way, Angel Islands heritage did not end once the migrant was landed, but rather stayed with them for the duration of their lives. The Chinese were continually rem inded through the migration and naturalization administrations strategies even after 1940 and the conclusion of Angel Island movement station that they genuinely did not have a place here. The durable effect that the confinement and cross examinations had on Chinese settlers is endless, however it profoundly affected the lives of Chinese migrants as it drove them to adjust their lives as U. S. natives in the expectations that they would not be liable to movement official strategies or all the more critically extradition. The cross examinations can be extrapolated out to the level of American administrative arrangement. After the rejection demonstrations, America had viably removed the Chinese populace, however with the resurgence of movement following 1906, America endeavored to seal the breaks in the divider by setting up the cross examinations and the migration station at Angel Island. Taking a gander at the cross examinations from this viewpoint, plainly the foundation of Angel Island was basically another exertion in a purposeful arrangement to avoid the Chinese from America. Despite the fact that a precise measure cant be made of how fruitful Angel Island detainment focus was at ousting paper children and shippers, because of the vulnerability of who were genuine children and vendors and to the cross examiners failure to perceive reality, the insignificant nearness of such a confinement focus was an indication for the Chinese to keep out. Powerful or not, the cross examinations bring an intriguing and to a great degree assorted type of prohibition to American movement arrangement. By looking at the cross-examination process and the cross examinations, we pick up understanding into the spirit of Americas Chinese approach in the vicinity of 1910 and 1940. America would at long last end the cross examinations when it required the Chinese in World War II. It was this between time period, from 1910 to 1940, that would be the pivotal turning point for some Chinese migrants as they found direct through the lobbies of the confinement focus at Angel Island and in the hearings of the Leading group of Extraordinary Request, that America did not need them as.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) - 1326 Words

Abstract Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (or PTSD) is a medical condition which depends on both the individual psychological and biologic characteristics of a person who has experienced a traumatizing and possibly life-threatening situation. It occurs as a response to extreme conditions in which the patient’s life was in danger, or those around them had been seriously injured or killed under particularly violent circumstances. Sometimes PTSD develops among people who simply learned of a disastrous occurrence in which their loved ones were involved. It is a condition which may be taken for other stress-induced disorders or depression within the first month, possibly resulting in a false diagnosis, especially when confused with acute stress†¦show more content†¦A patient with PTSD will most likely not consult the aid of mental health professionals. Taking this into account, a primary care physician must have the necessary knowledge of the symptoms and treatment of PTSD. Mental he alth specialists are only to be involved if the treatment remains ineffective for a prolonged period of time, in which case the continued prescription of drugs may have a negative impact on the patient’s physical health. In order to properly diagnose PTSD, the physician must carefully and considerately question the client to find out about any traumatic events they were involved in. A calm and unobtrusive approach is necessary as the subject may be unwilling to describe the circumstances that lead them to develop an anxiety disorder. When a doctor has decided the patient should be treated specifically for PTSD, they observe symptoms such as nightmares depicting the event, flashbacks, which make the patient feel as if the event was taking place again and panic when the subject is brought up in conversation. In addition, an avoidance of the experience often occurs in the form of seemingly forgetting the day of the incident, a detachment from other people, despondency, and loss of interest in all activities. The last group of symptoms for PTSD constitutes increased arousal: the client becomes more easily startled, is quicker to be irritated, and exhibits insomnia or other sleep disorders. These three

Interface Usability for Human Computer

Question: Discuss about theInterface Usability for Human Computer Studies. Answer: Evaluation of the Design The report is prepared for analysis of the interface design and discussing on the framework and content of the web interface. The current web interface is designed according to the needs of the organization and it is kept simple such that the users accessing the website does not face any problem while using the interface. The selection of the text, icon and the sub section is the main criteria for the success of the web interface (Omerdic, Toal Vukic, 2016). There are different evaluation technique for testing the usability Neilsen Molich heuristic approach is applied for the evaluation of the user interface. The goals and objectives for the organization for whom the interface is designed should be analyzed for identification of the problem in the usability and improvement of the performance of the interface. The alternatives of the user interface design should also be analyzed and the best design should be selected. An example of good design is attached for evaluation of the inter face design. Neilsen Molich heuristic approach for evaluation of the usability Visibility of the system status The system should be developed such that the users can get all the details of the business and take feedback from the users for improving the features and functionality of the system. Matching the real world and the system The language used for interpretation should be kept simple and the phrases should be familiar with the user. The real world convention is important for the natural and logical ordering and making the website more appealing to the user (Nielsen, 2014). User control and freedom The emergency state should be handled by the system such that the user does not reach to the unwanted state and appropriate error message should be displayed to the user in case of wrong input. Standards and Consistency For designing the user interface good principles should be followed and appropriate decision regarding the design must be selected such the alternatives of the interface can be determined. Maintaining the standard during the development of the user interface caused less number of errors. Prevention of Error The errors in the project can be mitigated with maintaining the standards and taking precaution during the development of the user interface. A condition of error checking should be applied and the errors should be mitigated for the committing the action. Recognition of the features The actions and the different options must be visible to the users such that the user does not need to remember the functionality of the website (Bargas-Avila Bruhlmann, 2016). Proper labeling and buttons should be used such the action can be predicted by the user. Flexibility and efficiency The design must be kept simple and the experienced and the inexperienced users must be involved in the usability testing for identification of the efficiency of the interface design. Minimalist Design The irrelevant information should be removed in order to keep the design simple and increasing the visibility of the website. Diagnosis and recovery of the errors A solution of the problem or error found should be recommended to the development such that the interface is aligned with the needs of the users. Documentation and help The designer is responsible to create an user documentation such that the functionality are defined and it becomes easy for the development team to develop the whole website. Identification of the issues and its problems The main issues identified regarding the interface design is that the less information are used for designing each of the pages and headings are not used. The lack of using the headings causes the users to feel redirected and the same framework should be followed for all the user interface (Kortschot et al., 2017). For the identification of the problem a survey and questionnaires should be used for finding the requirement. The prototype of the user interface must be shared with the users for modification and adding new functionality. Remedies and action for resolving the issues The problem with the current user interface design can be mitigated with the involvement of the users in the development phase. The header and footer of the web interface should be kept same such that the user does not feel they are redirected. Same font size and style should be followed for the headings and labels for the improvement of the look and feel of the interface. The use of relevant graphics content should be increased for making the user interface interactive and attracting more number of users using the website. All the functionality demonstrated in the user interface must work properly and error message must be displayed to the user if any wrong input is provided by the user for maintaining the flexibility of the web interface design. References Bargas-Avila, J. A., Brhlmann, F. (2016). Measuring user rated language quality: Development and validation of the user interface Language Quality Survey (LQS). International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 86, 1-10. Kortschot, S. W., Sovilj, D., Soh, H., Jamieson, G. A., Sanner, S., Carrasco, C., ... Langevin, S. (2017, October). An open source adaptive user interface for network monitoring. In Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2017 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1535-1539). IEEE. Nielsen, J. (2014). Coordinating user interfaces for consistency. Elsevier. Omerdic, E., Toal, D., Vukic, Z. (2016, November). User interface for interaction with heterogeneous vehicles for cyber-physical systems. In Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), 2016 14th International Conference on (pp. 1-5). IEEE.

The Power of Communication free essay sample

The movie â€Å"EK RUKA HUA FAISLA† is all about â€Å"the power of communication† in which a person is punished for killing his own father. Judgement is already given by JUDGE but now it’s dependent on 12 advocates, by analysing, whether he is murderer or not? In a movie only one person is against the JUDGEMENT, but at the end of movie he makes all other people against the JUDGEMENT by his â€Å"the power of communication†. The all 12 advocates have to analyse the evidence given in court. If they found any changes and get together and decide that the person is not a murderer than only he can be survived otherwise he will be hang till the dead. In their decision they must have to be together, if any of them will go against the JUDGMENT, the judgement is not accepted. Why Communication Needed? †¢ To express our emotions †¢ Achieve joint understanding †¢ To get things done †¢ Pass on and obtain information †¢ Reach decisions †¢ Develop relationships Truths about Communication†¦ †¢ Good Communication can’t exist without honest listening †¢ We do not try HARD to get our message across We do not take advantage of various media available to us †¢ We all could improve our communication skills †¢ It cannot be perfected The Power of Communication| Overview Marketing communications are all about the internal and external communications between your business and everyone else, such as trade, media or consumer. It encompasses all the traditional forms of promotion including advertising, sponsorship, public relations (PR) and direct marketing along with the opportunities to build and maintain relationships with stakeholders. The Big Picture Choosing a Partner! There are many communication avenues to choose from; however there can be no merit in any of these unless the following points are considered before embarking on a specific project or campaign: * Overall Aim   what do you want to achieve for your wine brand, what is your ultimate goal? (this could include local, national, or international campaigns) * Budget   what available funds do you have to expend on achieving this goal? Set the minimum and maximum amount you are prepared/able to spend over a certain period of time i. e. per year for five years etc. Target Audience   do you have a set idea of who your target audience is/should be? * Relevant Partner   picking the right advertising or PR agency, direct marketing company or partner brand to sponsor, is vital. Comprehensive research, asking around your field, choosing an agency with proven results, all pay off in making this choice. Inappropriate matches between your product and an agency can be a complete waste of funds an d end in acrimony. A shortlist should be drawn up after establishing the above three points. * Brief   their work is only as good as your brief. Be clear be concise, if you cant articulate what your brand is and where you want it to go they wont be able to create the campaign that pleases you and achieves your goal . Change the Channel? Once you have a clear objective, target audience and budget set out and you have chosen your partner and detailed brief, you are then ready to select your chosen communication channel. Below is a brief generalisation of four channels and appropriate scenarios for their use; * Advertising   TV, internet, newspapers, magazines, radio can be horrifyingly expensive. Only for those with substantial funds and wide distribution. * PR   can be very effective for a relatively low cost especially if you employ your own in-house PR/Communications person who lives and breathes your brand and can react quickly in communicating your news effectively. * Sponsorship   can cost no more than a few cases of wine to sponsor a local film festival in exchange for a mailing list of 5000, to spending millions on sponsoring the Ashes. Contacts are key and assessing the best sponsorship tie up and relative synergy for your brand. Direct Marketing   can be advantageous and it is probably the most directly measurable way in assessing consumers reaction to your brand. It can be costly however and the direct marketing company really needs to be under the skin of your brand to achieve the right results. Communication Channel Decision Making Process Different Strokes for Different Folks The communication channel does not necessarily have to be different for different target audiences, but the way and the type of information that is communicated should be tailored towards the specific requirements of each target audience. There will naturally be some symbiosis between communications targeted at Trade, Media and Consumers. What the Trade  may need immediately is information which will directly help them get their sale or listing such as a full brand pack on your wines and complete technical details and sales collateral, point of sale (POS) trade support, volume details, sample stock, vintage changes, winemaker visits etc. They will want to deal with someone who understands their market and who can react to their needs. Similarly  the Media  need information which will help them do their job i. e. o write or tell their story and tell it before everyone else. They invariably, through no fault of their own have tight deadlines and need fast, efficient and accurate communication. Like the trade they need brand information but they also appreciate new news (! ), interesting stories and they dont want to be bombarded with information that is not relevant to their specialist subject. The Consumer  is interested in stories and news, why your winery is different and where it is in the world but as far as soil types, clonal selection and technical data, that is usually just too much information. The key is to understand the target audience, understand their needs (before they do if possible) to get results quickly, qualitatively and make them come back for more. Integrated Communication Strategy A Case In Point Katie MacAulay, Market Development Manager – Lion Nathan Wine Group, Australia â€Å"Developing and maintaining relationships is an important element of a successful marketing mix, especially in the current retail environment. Third party endorsement is just as relevant today as it was fifteen years ago however it has changed quite a bit. For example, in the past, a hearty endorsement from a weekend broadsheet might see a few hundred extra bottles leap off the shelves but major retailers now say this happens rarely. What you do see happening today is third party endorsements being used; on shelf markers at the point of sale; internally for sales staff and managers; displayed in shops on blackboards; as encouragement to buyers who see how well the product has been reviewed; as encouragement to wineries to see that their wines have been well received in different markets. Having said this, each market is different, the USA market still seems to revolve around The Wine Spectator and Robert Parker (The Wine Advocate), the UK and world Bordeaux Fine Wine Market is also reliant heavily on Parker but Jancis Robinson and Matthew Jukes will be heard as Oz Clarke is seen on other matters to do with wine. Everyone loves a third party testimonial but in the broader wine market they have become an adjunct to, rather than driver of, sales. † Summary Whether its the cellar door down the road or the local Supermarket, everyone’s life is affected by marketing and communications. New technologies are broadening the reach of product information and how a business allocates its marketing budget is crucial to their effectiveness, efficiency, and long term success. CHECKLIST| * Marketing efforts should be targeted in terms of both communication channel and target audience. * Set goals and know what you want to achieve for your brand. * Set budgets and stick to them. * Know your audience and tailor your communications to their needs. * If you are using external agents, do your research and make sure they understand your product and your business. Establish detailed briefs for campaigns, articulating your brand and the results you are trying to achieve is critical to the success of a campaign. * 3 key communication channels and their advantages are: 1. Advertising  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ generally suited to those with substantial funds and requiring wide distribution 2. PR/Sponsorship  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ ranging from low to high cost and involvement; if correctly matched to your busin ess plan can result in substantial benefits 3. Direct Marketing  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ targeted and measurable way of delivering specific news. |

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Under the sole dome the time for magic has come

Analyzing a design in order to check its efficiency and comment on its strengths and weaknesses is not an easy task, mostly because personal taste issues will most likely stand in the way of an objective evaluation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Under the sole dome: the time for magic has come specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, when taking a wholesome construction of a design of a particular object or site apart, one can possibly provide an adequate evaluation of the expressivity of the chosen artistic means and the message that the design in question conveys. Although the way in which the SOL dome looks might strike one with the lack of meaning and expressivity, after a thorough analysis of its elements, one will be able to see the efficacy of the chosen medium and the uniqueness of the construction. A single glance cast at the SOL installation is enough to be impressed by its grandeur and magnificence; truly a work of art, it incorporates the modern idea of what technology is and what it is going to be. First, it is important to stress that the material When it comes to the color cast of the installation, one must mention that the artwork, as well as its creator, has stuck in the eighties, with the rainbow-like choice of colors and the combination of the color cast with the texture. Although the latter can be considered a technological breakthrough, as it has been mentioned above, the palette chosen by the artist washes the message that the given texture conveys away and sets the stage for the fashion of the era whose time in the sun was at least two decades ago. It could be argued, though, that the choice of colors was restricted by the material that was chosen for the installation. Indeed, when it comes to picking the palette for solar powered LEDs, an artist is most likely be restricted by the limitations of the material; in fact, the audience was lucky enough to see the sculp ture the way it was made, luminescent yet at the same time not shedding an acid bright light all over the place.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Nevertheless, taking the honeycomb structure into account, one can assume that the choice of a warm color instead of a cold palette would have been a much more reasonable choice; in fact, the color of steel would have hit the chord with the general idea of the installation in a much better way. However, the message has still been conveyed efficiently. The author of the installation has out a proper emphasis on the role of technology in the present-day world by stressing the fact that the construction is powered by the sun. Thus, a cautious remark about the nature vs. nurture conflict has been made. That being said, the SOL dome definitely makes an impression. It can be argued that the shape of the construction lacks clarity and that the color cast could be improved for the installation to be brighter, therefore, pushing its exotics to the breaking point and, thus, transporting the audience to the postmodern era. However, the fact that the author of the installation decided to take such a bold step by crossing the line between retro and technological breakthrough eras that the installation definitely deserves being looked at a bit closer. A love letter to the era of the 80s from the glamorous and sophisticated 2010s, the SOL is definitely worth a prize for its originality. This essay on Under the sole dome: the time for magic has come was written and submitted by user Terrell Huber to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Protection of Minorities within the Context of International Law

Protection of Minorities within the Context of International Law Introduction A critical analysis of international legal instruments reveals that the laws do make reference to ‘minorities’. However, there is lack of a universally acceptable, legally binding definition of the term ‘minority’. The reason for this is that there are numerous minority groups that possibly exist and no proposed definition can accommodate all of them (Forsythe 2012). Moreover, many states provide a restrictive definition to prevent large swathes of their population from falling within the boundaries of the group.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Protection of Minorities within the Context of International Law specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The innumerable and diverse groups claiming to be minorities also make it difficult to formulate a universally acceptable definition. Consequently, there are no firm guidelines informing the definition of the concept ‘minority’ i n international law. However, considerable efforts have been made through different forums by international lawyers to provide guidelines as to factors to consider in defining the concept (Allen Xanathaki 2011). One of the factors to consider in the definition of the minority concept is numerical inferiority. The numerical inferiority factor is determined in reference to the overall size of the states’ population. In addition, ‘non-dominant’ positions of the group are taken into consideration. Politically speaking, a minority situation is brought about by such a group. Another factor to consider is the nationality of the group. To qualify as member of a minority group, one has to be a citizen of the state they live in. As a result, the definition of the concept excludes refugees, foreigners, and immigrant workers (Hatvany 2006). A group may be considered as minority if it is distinguished from the rest of the population in the state they live in with regard to e thnicity, religion, or language. Collective will has also emerged as a factor to consider in the definition of minority. The will comes into play when a group maintains a sense of solidarity and has distinctive characteristics that emerge over a long period of time (Preece 2009). Minorities and International Law: Historical Overview Provisions of international law try to protect the rights and freedoms of persons. The same applies to the case of minorities as a group in the society. The Minority Treaties of the League of Nations Protection of minorities was a major concern during the post World War I period. There were territorial re-alignments brought about by the war. The realignments led to the creation of new countries. The rights and freedoms of minority groups could not be overlooked. It was important to address them in order to have lasting peace in Europe. The minorities’ treaty system of the League of Nations was developed against such a background (Preece 2009).Adve rtising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The system embraced by the League was structured on individual treaties. The stand-alone treaties addressed particular scenarios in Europe. In most cases, the treaties fell within three clusters. Their classification was informed by the parties involved. The first category was made up of those agreements adopted by the states that lost in the war. They included Austria and Turkey. Others were Hungary and Bulgaria (Hatvany 2006). The second group comprised of the new states created. In this group were Greece, Poland, Romania, and Yugoslavia. The last group was made up of special consideration given to minorities in the new establishments. The new entities included Aland and Upper Silesia (Allen Xanathaki 2011). The system of protection of minorities adopted at this juncture varied from one country to the other. The arrangement was not inten ded to develop into a system of international law for the protection of minorities. The intention is supported by the rejection of the idea to enshrine the protection of minorities in the Covenant of the League of Nations. The United States of America made several suggestions to enhance the system. For example, it was suggested that all governments interested in joining the League should respect the rights and freedoms of minority groups. Despite the signing of the covenant, the League Assembly rejected efforts made by some members to improve the system. A case in point is the suggestion by some members to make protection of minorities a universal undertaking (Sigler 2004). As already indicated, many countries were against the expansion of the minority protection system. There are several factors that contributed to this resistance. One of the factors was fear of possible external scrutiny and constraints on the states’ sovereignty. The fear was prompted by the dissatisfactio n expressed by the countries that had already adopted the system. The states maintained that the minority protection system allowed any person to file a petition against them. Such petitions would force the states to appear in public courts as defendants against their own citizens (Preece 2009). Another reason for the rejection of the expansion had to do with the colonial territories under the control of European countries. The expansion would have raised issues with the legitimacy of the control that these countries had over the colonies. The questions would have required the colonialists to grant their subjects the freedoms and rights espoused in the minority protection system.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Protection of Minorities within the Context of International Law specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The right to self-determination was only applicable to the situation in Europe and European powers were not wi lling to extend it to other regions in the world, such as in Africa. Therefore, the system was not developed to tackle minority issues in countries under the control of the colonialists (Thornberry 2003). As made clear in the discourse above, the protection of minority system has faced a number of challenges since its inception. The challenges led to its failure, especially as a result of the ramifications of World War I. The political and economic reality of the time could also have led to the failure of the system. According to Forsythe (2012), World War II led to the disintegration of the League of Nations. The disintegration brought down the protection of minority system. However, protection of the minority system has continued to be of value to the development of international law touching on the welfare of this group (Forsythe 2012). It is a fact beyond doubt that the minority system had several inherent limitations that affected its effectiveness as an instrument of internati onal law. The limitations notwithstanding, the system provided some level of protection to the identified minority groups in the countries. It is a fact that the system offered special protection to minorities, which created two possible scenarios. The two scenarios were ‘equality’ (Sigler 2004) and non-discrimination against this category of citizens. The development provided grounds for the formulation of international laws for the protection of the rights of minorities. The system also led to the formation of the International Judicial Protection of the Minorities. The Permanent Court of Justice (PCIJ) gave decisions and opinions that are still applied during discussions on minority rights in international law (Sigler 2004). Minority Protection under the UN The United Nations was formed after the collapse of the League of Nations. It acted as the new world organisation following the World War II. However, in contrast to the League of Nations, it adopted a totally dif ferent perspective as far as the protection of minority groups in the world was concerned. Initially, the UN did not make any efforts to adopt the minority protection system of the League (Hatvany 2006). Moreover, the organisation did not make attempts to develop a new system for the protection of minorities. European nations dealt with the issue of minorities through bilateral or multilateral treaties without the involvement of the UN. The UN was of the opinion that human rights and the principle of non-discrimination were appropriate means of protecting everyone, minority groups included (Rodley 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The UN General Assembly made efforts to address this issue a few years after the formation of the agency. The efforts were characterised by the passing of the Declaration for the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries (Julie 2010). The declaration was made in 1960. It was based on, among other things, the provision of equal rights and self-determination of people as declared in the Charter of the UN (Julie 2010). The declaration required a speedy and unconditional termination of all forms and manifestations of colonialism. Under Article 2, the declaration provides for the right to self-determination for each and every nation in the world. Based on this right, sovereign countries have control over their political, economic, and socio-cultural progression (Hilpold 2007a). To achieve its mandate, the UN heavily depended on the provisions of human rights and the freedom of the nations (Preece 2009). Many people were of the opinion that minority groups were protected through non- discrimination, equal rights, and equality before the law. Such an assumption prompted the adoption of several conventions and declarations in the field of non-discrimination by various international organisations and the UN (Julie 2010). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was crucial as far as human rights were concerned. It was one of the first aspects of international law that made provisions for the protection of human rights. The declaration complemented the already existing provisions for non-discrimination. Under Article 2, the declaration provides that everyone is entitled to all the human rights in the declaration without distinction of any kind (Hatvany 2006). However, the declaration failed to address the issue of the protection of minority groups. Furthermore, it did not mention the group anywhere. Various states, such as Denmark, made a proposal for the inclusion of provisions for the protection of minorities in the UDHR. However, such proposals were oppos ed by majority of the member states, leading to their rejection. The rejection was as a result of little or no interest on the part of majority member states of the UN with regard to the concept of minorities (Rodley 1995). The rejection of minority rights and protection by majority of UN member states was brought about by many factors. A classic example of such a factor was non-alignment with the policies of the nations touching on cohesion. The nations were concerned that adopting these rights would lead to divisions within their boundaries (Thornberry 2003). Another factor leading to the rejection of these rights involved concerns over the stability of the nation. The states feared that the adoption of such rights will result in distinctions between citizens. Such distinctions will be created by a sense of unfair treatment on the part of those not classified as minorities in the society (Sigler 2004). The General Assembly felt that the UN could not afford to ignore the plight of minority groups (Rodley 2005). The development prompted the authorisation of two commissions expected to thoroughly address the issue of minorities (Hilpold 2007b). In addition to the UDHR, the UN and its affiliates formulated a number of provisions to address human rights on the international arena. In all these legally binding instruments, the UN almost exclusively focused on individual rights and freedoms. However, the instruments did little to acknowledge the minority as a group (Hilpold 2007a). The situation changed in 1948. In this year, the agency formulated the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Hatvany 2006). The convention addressed the rights of minorities separately from individual human rights. However, there is no clear prohibition of any measures taken to destroy these groups other than physical or biological genocide (Julie 2010). Conclusion Internationally, minority protection is mainly based on human rights and non-discriminati on. Such a basis is evident even in instruments that are designed solely for minority protection. The observation raises the question of whether or not individual rights and non-discrimination offer enough protection to minorities. Moreover, there are concerns over the effectiveness of individual rights and non-discrimination approach in addressing the problems faced by minority groups. References Allen, S Xanathaki, A 2011, Reflections on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Haart Publishing, London. Forsythe, D 2012, Human rights in international relations, Cambridge University Press, London. Hatvany, C 2006, ‘Legitimacy of kin-state politics: a theoretical approach’, Regio-Minorities, Politics, Society, vol. 1, pp. 47-64. Hilpold, P 2007a, ‘Tendencies of minority protection in the law of the European Union’, Miskolc Journal of International Law, vol. 5 no. 1, pp. 34-49. Hilpold, P 2007b, ‘UN standard setting in the field of mino rity rights’, Int. J of Minority and Group Rights, vol. 181 no. 14, pp. 342-369. Julie R 2010, ‘Minority rights in a time of multiculturalism’, The Evolving Scope of the Framework Convention on the Protection of Minorities, vol. 99 no. 10, pp. 243-267. Preece, J 2009, ‘National minority rights vs. state sovereignty in Europe: changing norms in international relations?’, Nations and Nationalism, vol. 3 no. 3, pp. 345-364. Rodley, N 2005, ‘Conceptual problems in the protection of minorities: international legal developments’, Human Rights Quarterly, vol. 17 no. 1, pp. 48-71. Sigler, A 2004, Minority rights: a comparative analysis, Greenwood Press, Connecticut. Thornberry, P 2003, International law and the rights of minorities, Clarendon Press, Connecticut.